The two wheels run fast. They are creating new tourism and, beyond fashion, they are promoting positive values such as sustainability, proximity to nature, “slow” travel, while discovering beautiful but little-known places and, why not, the pleasure of the table and of traditional dishes still tenaciously alive in many out-of-the-way places.
The network of cycle paths or routes to discover by bike between villages, archaeological sites, historical places, rivers and valleys is increasing more and more.
Here is a shortlist of possibilities to jump on the saddle and start pedaling.
– Strada dell’Assietta, a 60 km high-mountain trail between Val Chisone and Val di Susa. Challenging
– Via delle Pietra Cycle path, between Turin and Cuneo. The first part, 12km long, of the cycle path. Today the route goes from Bricherasio to Barge>>>
– Naviglio Martesana, 36 km of a cycle-pedestrian path on the Canal, within everyone’s reach. Starting from Milan>>>
– Oglio River Cycle Path, a 280 km cycle path starting from the Tonale Pass and crossing 4 provinces of Lombardy>>>
– The Ghisallino – a 35 km circular route on Como Lake, reaching the Museum of Cycling and the chapel of Madonna del Ghisallo, patroness of cyclists>>>
– West Liguria cycle path, province of Imperia. 24 km overlooking the sea to cycle, walk to discover the Ligurian territory>>>
Trentino Alto Adige
– Valsugana Cycle Path – a44 km easy route along the Brenta river between Trentino and Veneto. From Lake Caldonazzo to Tezze di Grigno, in the province of Trento>>>
– Brenta River Bike Way – a 33 km route in the Veneto region, continuation of the Valsugana cycle path, from Tezze di Grigno to Bassano del Grappa, in the province of Vicenza>>>
– Regional Natural Park of Sile, 95 km along the river. paths by bike, on foot, by canoe>>>
Friuli Venezia Giulia
– Alpe Adria Cycle Path – Italian section from Tarvisio to Grado. A 180-kilometer route on old railway tracks now abandoned>>>
Emilia Romagna
– Burana Cycle Path – a 56 km easy circular route around Ferrara running along the Burana Canal and the Po river>>>
– Destra Po Cycle Path – 124 kilometers in the nature of the Po Delta, up to the sea, all in the province of Ferrara>>>
– Mirandola-Bologna Cycle Path – 46 km between villages, canals and old abandoned stations between Modena and Bologna>>>
– Via Romagna Cycle Path – a 460 km permanent cycle route connecting the provinces of Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì- Cesena and Rimini>>>
– Food Valley Bike cycle path – a 70km cycle route in the homeland of Giuseppe Verdi and Parmigiano cheese. From Parma to Busseto>>>
– Ancient Bolognese Marshes’ cycle path – 42 km flat, suitable for everyone. From Bologna to the Po Delta Park and back, passing through Budrio. In the province of Bologna>>>
– San Vicinio Cycle path – a 325 km circular route around the millenary Cathedral of Sarsina, in the province of Forlì-Cesena>>>
– Le Vie di Dante Cycle Path – a 225 km bike itinerary crossing the most emblematic locations of Dante’s exile. From Ravenna to Florence>>>
– Conero Park, 18 trails that can be visited on foot or by mountain bike in Ancona>>>
– Bonifica Path, 62 km of cycle and footpath between Arezzo and Chiusi>>>
– Nera Cycle Path, 28 km cycle path suitable for everyone between nature and historic villages>>>
– Assisi-Spoleto-Norcia Cycle Path, a 105 km cycle path connecting Assisi to the former Spoleto-Norcia railway>>>
– Sirente-Velino Regional Natural Park – a protected natural area of 56,400 hectares with cycling paths in the province of L’Aquila>>>
– Cycle Path in the Pollino Park First step of the 545 km-long Calabria Parks Cycle Path. A 34 km route in the province of Cosenza>>>
Maybe you don’t know that in Novi Ligure there is the Cycling Champions’ Museum dedicated to Fausto Coppi and Costante Girardengo. The museum tells the story of bicycles and cycling>>>
Cover photo Alpe Adria Cycle Path