From August 1st to 4th 2024 – as usual on the first weekend of August – the Medieval village of Acquaviva Picena (near Ascoli Piceno) hosts Palio del Duca – Sponsalia, a historical reenactment of the wedding of Forastéria, Rinaldo of Acquaviva’s daughter, and Rainaldo of Brunforte, in 1234.
During the Palio del Duca – Sponsalia historical reenactment, this year at its 37th edition, the village of Acquaviva is immersed in a Medieval atmosphere. Medieval markets and people wearing Medieval dresses walk around the town: armies, flag wavers, ladies…
The events are programmed in 3 days:
Thursday the event opens with the Historical Court and the cloth benediction. For free
Friday is the day of Palio del Duca For free
On Saturday in Piazza del Forte medieval shows for children and families. Free entry
Sunday takes place the Wedding Banquet, enlivened up by dances and music of that time, charlatan games and fire eaters. Also, the menu offers typical recipes of 1200 served by waiters wearing Medieval costumes. Ticket and reservation are required>>>
phone +39 0735 764 115
Ticket and reservation for the dinner>>>
Go to the website>>
See the facebook page>>>
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Cover photo; Palio del Duca