Musica sulle Bocche Festival – Northern Sardinia

5-25 August 2024. International Jazz festival and traditional Sardinian music.
Musica sulle Bocche Festival - Santa Teresa di Gallura Italy

From August 5th to 25th 2024 in the North of Sardinia takes place the 24th edition of Musica sulle Bocche Jazz Festival

Musica sulle Bocche Festival is hosted in different locations and offers not jazz music but also traditional Sardinian music, and much more…

The name “Bocche” refers to Bocche di Bonifacio, as in Italy is called the Strait of Bonifacio between Corsica and Sardinia, named after the Corsican town Bonifacio. The strait is notorious among sailors for its weather, currents, shoals, and other obstacles.

Musica sulle Bocche festival is organized by the Association Jana Project
For information call +39 079 952118 / +39 350 1537377 or send a mail>>>
See the website>>>
and the facebook page>>>


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Credits photo facebook Musica sulle Bocche