Events, food, experiences for an unforgettable trip to Italy
Musei Curiosi in Italia

Curious museums in Italy

Italy hosts a huge list of curious museums on the most varied themes, sometimes dedicated to rare topics of great cultural value.

Here below is a selection of curious museums to discover, often created by private passionates and now unique and interesting testimonials of the beauty of Italy,


Umbrella and Parasol Museum, a museum that tells the evolution of the parasol from the beginning of the 19th century to today. From April to September in Gignese>>>
Museum of Magic. one of the most important Italian museums dedicated to the art of magic. In the province of Cuneo, in Cherasco>>>
Walser House Museum, a well-preserved 17th century Walser house to learn about its history. From June to September in Macugnaga>>>
Cycling Champions’ Museum, the museum of the history of bikes and cycling dedicated to Fausto Coppi and Costante Girardengo. In the province of Alessandria, in Novi Ligure>>>
Chimney Sweep Museum, the only museum dedicated to this historic job. In Val Vigezzo>>>

Valle d’Aosta
– Ecomuseum of Hemp tells the tradition of hemp weaving of Aosta Valley in an ancient rural house. In Champorcher – TEMPORARILY CLOSED

Oil Cans Museum with over 6,000 oil cans that tell the story and trade of oil between the 19th and 20th centuries in the province of Imperia>>>

Petrol Pumps and Service Stations Museum: the world’s largest collection of petrol pumps and gas stations related items. In the province of Varese, in Tradate>>>
Nativity Scene Museum, over 900 cribs and Christmas objects. From the 1700s to the early 1900s. In the province of Bergamo, in Dalmine>>>
Pipe Museum is the first Italian pipe museum with more than 30,000 pieces exposed. In the province of Varese in Gavirate>>>
Museum of Illusions, a fun scientific experience that deceives our confidence in the senses. In Milano>>>
International Shoe Museum: a collection of about 4500 footwear from 1400 to today. In the province of Pavia, in Vigevano>>>
Museum of navigation instruments, a small museum for sea and adventure enthusiasts. From May to mid-October in Bellagio, Lake Como>>>

Shakespeare Interactive Museum, the first interactive museum dedicated to Shakespeare and the topic places of Verona>>>
Poli Grappa Museum, an entire museum to learn about the history and scents of grappa, the most Italian of distillates. In the province of Vicenza, in Bassano del Grappa>>>
CastelBrando Museum exhibits weapons, costumes, musical instruments and carriages in a castle in the Veneto region. In the province of Treviso, in Cison di Valmarino>>>
Insane Asylum Museum of San Servolo preserves documents and objects from the mental institution that was hosted on the island. In Venice>>>

Trentino Alto Adige
Scarecrow House, a small museum with thousands of photos and 50 scarecrows. Amazing experience for children. From mid-April to mid-October. In the province of Trento, in Roncegno Terme>>>
Guard Stone Museum is an open-air museum that hosts 200 memorial guard stones from all over the world dedicated to famous cyclists. In the province of Trento, in Canezza>>>

Friuli Venezia Giulia
Butterfly House, the biggest butterfly house in Italy, open from late March to mid-October. In the province of Udine, in Bordano>>>
Blacksmith Art and Cutlery Museum, the history and the production of cutting tools in the city of knives. In the province of Pordenone, in Maniago>>>

Emilia Romagna
Work Boats Marineria Museum, the only floating museum in Italy dedicated to traditional work boats. In Cesenatico>>>
MAS National Museum of Underwater Activities, the only museum in Italy dedicated to underwater activities. Library for members and researchers. In Marina di Ravenna>>>
MUSA Salt Museum introduces the old history of Cervia salt, also today considered by food lovers the best one. In Cervia>>>
The Puppets House hosts a collection of marionettes, puppets, stage sets of the Italian tradition of puppet theater. In Ravenna>>>
Fellini Museum is the largest museum dedicated to film director Federico Fellini. In Rimini>>>
Italian Cast Iron Museum Cast iron artifacts designed to beautify cities and houses: street lamps, benches, objects. In the province of Forlì-Cesena, in Longiano >>>
Ocarina Museum, tells the story of the small terracotta flute that made its hometown famous all over the world. In the province of Bologna, in Budrio>>>


Ancient Ships, a museum of extraordinary value that exhibiting about thirty Roman ships and their cargo perfectly preserved. In Pisa>>>
The Garden of Tarot, the statues of the Tarots Major Arcana in a garden with an esoteric fascination. Open from April to October. In the province of Grosseto, in Capalbio>>>

Museum of Mummies, boasts the largest collection in Umbria with 24 naturally mummified bodies. In the province of Terni, in Ferentillo>>>
Malacological Museum Malakos exhibits the largest private collection in Europe of shells from all over the world. In Città di Castello>>>
Museum of Painted Eggs a very special museum where thousands of painted eggs of all animal species are exhibited, from the tiniest ones to the biggest ostrich eggs. In the province of Terni, in Civitella del Lago>>>
Glass Museum is a testimony of the important glass tradition in Umbria, between art and everyday life. In the province of Perugia, in Piegaro>>>

Stars Tower planetary observatory and astronomical museum, library and planetarium dedicated to the Moon. In the province of L’Aquila, in Aielli>>>


The Mysteries’ Museum, the museum that exhibits the “machines” of the Mysteries’ Feast in Campobasso. In Campobasso>>>

National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa collects historic locomotives, carriages, models. In Portici, near Naples>>>

Casa Noha, a 16th century noble palace that offers an immersive journey to discover the millenary history of Matera>>>

Chocolate Museum, to get to know an IGP chocolate of ancient origins. In Modica>>>
Anchovy Museum, the story of anchovy fishing, processing and storage in Sicily. In Bagheria>>>

Tanning Museum, to get to know the history of leather tanning in Sardinia In Bosa>>>
The Art of Copper and Textiles Museum: two traditional activities of the South of Sardinia in a single museum. In Isili>>>
Byssus Museum presents works in “sea silk” to discover the culture and history of byssus. In Southern Sardinia, Sant’Antioco island>>>

Cover photos, from top to bottom, left to right: Ocarina Museum, Petrol Pumps Museum, Cycling Champion’s Museum, Scarecrow House