Basilicata - Flight of the Angel

Basilicata – Events

Basilicata, also known by its ancient name Lucania, is a region of Southern Italy enclosed between two seas with a rich artistic and historic heritage.

There are many traditional feasts and events, lots of them dating back in centuries.Many are related to religious celabrations or to the patron saints of the cities, such as:
– the Stations of the Cross in Barile which is held on Holy Friday in Easter.
– the May Festival in Accettura, in the province of Matera, takes place on the occasion of the feast of the patron saint San Giuliano.
– the  Madonna della Bruna Feast, patron saint of the city of Matera which is celebrated every year on July 2nd
– the Madonna del Monte Saraceno Feast in Calvello, every year in May and in September

Even here, although far from Venice, Carnival is very celebrated:
“The Walking Forest”, the carnival in Satriano di Lucania, in the province of Potenza.
The Carnival in Aliano which is celebrated on Sunday and Shrove Tuesday in a small town in Basilicata and one of the “Authentic Villages of Italy.

More recent tradition is snowshoeing in the mountains in winter time, both walk or competition with snowshoes.

In Castelsaraceno, in the province of Potenza, there is the Tibetan Bridge, the longest in the world with its 586 meters in length. Visitors can immerse themselves in the pristine Lucanian hinterland, between the beautiful city of Matera with its “Sassi” and the sea of ​​Maratea on the Gulf of Policastro.

The city of Matera, named European Capital of Culture in 2019, is famous for its stones and the ancient  cave dwellings that characterize the surrounding landscape. The Sassi of Matera became a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993.

Welcome to the region of the Sassi of Matera, Maratea, of the Pollino National Park, of the Lucanian Dolomites. The region where chili pepper is everywhere… and much more.



18 Apr 2025
The Stations of the Cross in Barile Italy

The Stations of the Cross in Barile

April 18th, 2025. On Good Friday, a traditional Easter ritual in the province of Potenza.

All year long
San Fele Waterfalls

San Fele Waterfalls

A hidden gem in a wild and pristine place in the woods of Basilicata

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Casa Noha Matera - Basilicata - Italy

Casa Noha – Matera

Immersive journey to discover the millenary history of Matera

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Natale Presepe nei Sassi di Matera

The Sassi of Matera

The ancient cave dwellings, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993

All year long
Path of Seven Stones - Basilicata - Italy

Path of Seven Stones – Lucanian Dolomites

Live a journey and a legend between Pietrapertosa and Castelmezzano