Basilicata - google map

Basilicata – Info

Basilicata’s provinces are Potenza, which is also the Regional Capital, and Matera.
Other popular cities are Melfi (In June, Vulture Rally takes place), Pisticci, Policoro and Lavello.

Reaching Basilicata is easy:
how to get by car
– by car: through the highways A3 and A14;


how to get by train
– by train: thanks to the National Railway System. The main stations are Potenza, Maratea and Avigliano in Potenza area; Matera and Metaponto in Matera area;


how to get by plane – by plane: even if the region doesn’t have an airport, is easily reachable from the airports of Salerno (Campania) and Bari (Apulia).