Campania - famous people

Who’s who in Campania

Tenor Enrico Caruso was born in Naples in 1873. He was the first tenor to record an album and in 1909 he recorded 22 Neapolitan songs, connecting for the first time opera and popular music.

Born in Naples as well Antonio de Curtis “Totò” (1898-1967), actor and play writer Eduardo De Filippo (1900-1984) and Mario Merola (1934-2006).
Born in Rome in 1934, but raised in Pozzuoli, actress Sophia Loren once said in an interview with Barbara “I’m not Italian, I’m Neapolitan! It’s another thing!”.
Other famous people from Campania are: director Ettore Scola (1931-2016), comedian Massimo Troisi (1953-1994) and Paolo Sorrentino (1970), director of the Academy Award-winning movie “The Great Beauty”.

Singers Peppino Di Capri (1939),  Massimo Ranieri (1951), Pino Daniele (1955-2015), Nino D’Angelo (1957) and Gigi D’Alessio (1967). conductor Riccardo Muti (1941), fashion designer Rocco Barocco (1944), writer and journalist Roberto Saviano (1979), mainly known for his book “Gomorra”, translated in 51 countries.

One of the greatest defenders of all time, Fabio Cannavaro, was born in Naples in 1973.

Source Wikimedia Commons:
Fabio Cannavaro Di Doha Stadium Plus Qatar – Flickr: Fabio Cannavaro, CC BY 2.0, 
Paolo Sorrentino By Paolo_Sorrentino_2008.jpg: Xavier Ganachaud from Paris, Francederivative work: RanZag (talk) – Paolo_Sorrentino_2008.jpg (Flickr), CC BY-SA 2.0, 
Wikipedia, unknown source: Eduardo De Filippo, Totò, Sophia Loren