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fairs, festivals and markets dedicated to mushrooms and chestnuts

Mushrooms and Chestnuts

From September to November. Fairs, festivals and markets dedicated to mushrooms and chestnuts

Opera lirica in Italia

Passionate about Opera!

The Italian opera. Museums, musical seasons and festivals dedicated to opera

Alpe Adria Cycle Path - Friuli Venezia Giulia - Italy

Cycling adventures throughout Italy

Italy by bike. A selection of cycling itineraries, from North to South

Villas Parks Gardens ARTICLE

Villas, Parks, Gardens to visit in Italy

Italian style gardens, botanical and mountain gardens, art gardens

Musei Curiosi in Italia

Curious museums in Italy

A selection of interesting, lesser-known unexpected theme museums all over Italy

Domenica al Museo

Discover for free Italian beauties

Every first Sunday of the month in Italian public museums and archeological parks

Musei della Moda

The History of Fashion throughout the centuries

Throughout Italy a selection of museums dedicated to the history of fashion and costume

article Unesco sites Italy

Unesco Sites in Italy

Italy, with 60 sites. takes the crown as the country with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites


The Capitals of Culture in Italy

The European and Italian Capitals of Culture in Italy. Which cities held and will hold the title?