Ein Prosit – Udine

17-20 October 2024. A prominent Italian food & wine event in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Ein Prosit - Udine

From October 17th to 20th 2024, Udine hosts the 25th edition of Ein Prosit, one of the most important food and wine events in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The name comes out in honor of the famous song “Ein Prosit” – the official song of Oktoberfest

The festival is divided into different sections:
dinners with the chefs, in which great Italian chefs propose the dishes of their cuisine paired with wines from Friuli Venezia Giulia,
wine tastings, which suggest to wine lovers a structured approach to wine, leading them through the tasting step by step.
flavor workshops, an appointment with the flavors of the Region and of Italy, to discover combinations between excellent gastronomic specialties and native Italian wines.

All appointments are limited, for a fee and reservation is required.

Ein Prosit offers also a Summer Edition, usually in July.

For information and reservations:
Go to the site>>>
send a mail>>>
or call +39.0428 2392

Then take the opportunity to discover events or places to see in Friuli Venezia Giulia>>>

(Credit photo: paste edition of the event)