Hell in the Cave, Castellana Caves

Dante’s Inferno. 11 underground representations from June 1st to September 14th, 2024
Hell in the Cave, Castellana Caves

Hell in the Cave is one of the greatest underground theatre shows in the world taking place at 9:00 pm in the natural, impressive underground scenery inside the Castellana Caves.

From June 1st to September 14th, 2024, the Summer edition offers 11 representations of the show inspired by Hell from Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. See the calendar>>>

The show takes place at Grave, the biggest cave that measures 100 meters length, 50 in width, and 60 in depth.
All of the 9 circles of Dante’s Inferno are represented at the same time and the damned people meet at different points of the cave.

More information on the Facebook page >>>
For reservation call +39 339.1176722 (also WhatsApp)
It is also possible to buy a ticket including Hell in the Cave show + full visit to the Castellana Caves. Ask for it.

CastellanaCaves are the biggest Italian caverns and are open to visit all year long>>>

(credits photo Mariagrazia Proietto)


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