Historical carousel – Madonna of the Rescue Palio – Cori

30 June 2024, the Palio of Rescue's Mary is the second event of Carosello Storico
Historical carousel - Madonna of the Rescue - Lazio Italy

On Sunday June 30th, 2024 takes place the Palio della Madonna del Soccorso (Madonna of the Rescue), the second event of Carosello Storico in Cori, a small town in the province of Latina.

The historical carousel consists of three different events:
Priors’ oath and blessing of the Palii: Saturday, June 22nd
– Madonna of the Rescue Palio: Sunday, June 30th
Palio di Sant’Oliva: Saturday July 27th

The Historical carousel, established in 1937, is a historical reenactment of the 16th century celebrations held in honor of Madonna del Soccorso, which appeared in Cori in 1521.
In that occasion, like in many other religious feasts, some competitions were organized to test and to show the skills and the bravery of the “Gate” defence officers (usually to every “gate” corresponds a district of the city or village).

The Palio della Madonna del Soccorso consists in the so-called ring race, a spectacular competition involving knights and horses. While riding, the Knights’ goal is to put dagger into small rings of 3 cm in diameter.  The Palio is won by the district that is inserting more daggers into the rings.

The Palio is preceded by the historical parade, that walks through the streets of Cori, sith about 400 figures wearing Renaissance costumes of the 16th century, divided into 4 groups representing the communities of Cori and its three gates (districts): Ninfina, Romana e Signina.

The night before the Palio propitiatory dinners in the taverns of Cori.

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Photos by Vincenzo Pacifici


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