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Ligabue and Vitaloni. Giving Voice to Nature is a large and beautiful exhibition on the work of the painter Antonio Ligabue hosted from September 17, 2020 to May 30, 2021 in the sixteenth-century Palazzo Tarasconi in Parma, which has just been inaugurated as an exhibition center.
Antonio Ligabue (1899-1965) has been one of the artists with the most unfortunate life and one of the most brilliant and original of the Italian twentieth century’s art. Mysterious and tormented personality, with more than one stay in a psychiatric hospital, he produced a large number of works of great and moving beauty. But throughout his life, he has never been appreciated.
The exhibition presents 83 paintings and 4 sculptures by Ligabue, combined with a section with 15 sculptures by the living artist Michele Vitaloni who shares with Ligabue a particular sensitivity towards nature and the animal world.
The themes of the exhibition are those that most characterized Ligabue’s artistic life, self-portraits, landscapes, domestic and above all wild animals.
The protagonists are tigers, lions, leopards, hyenas. The artist first studied these animals on the pages of books and then painted them, almost identifying himself with them to the point of assuming their attitudes.
The exhibition is dedicated to Flavio Bucci, an actor who passed away in 2020, that interpreted Antonio Ligabue in the film directed by Salvatore Nocita.
Entrance with a fee
Free for children up to 6 years
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10 am> 7.30 pm
Photos from the official site