Malacologic Museum Malakos – Città di Castello

The biggest private collection in Europe of shells from all over the world
Malacologic Museum Malakos - Città di Castello shells collection Umbria Italy

The Macalogic Museum Malakos in Città di Castello can be visited all year long and it exhibits the biggest private collection of shells in Europe conserving and showing specimens coming from the Pacific, from the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and from the Mediterranean Sea.

The Museum was inaugurated in April 2017  and it is located at Villa Cappelletti in Città di Castello, near Perugia.
The exhibition was realized thanks to the work of the biologist Gianluigi Bini who collected and studied 15 thousand different shells and who took care of the exhibition inside the museum.

The visit starts with an introduction to the world of the mollusk and in the Paleontology room, it is possible to know the history of the Earth.
In the rooms of bio-geography, the showcases are set up with an accurate reconstruction of the fauna and environments, in which the shells were found.
Thus you can observe, mangroves, abyss zones, see very big ground snails or very poisonous sea predators.
The Macalogical Museum Malakos of Città di Castello also hosts a reconstruction of a coral reef, composed of materials coming from the sequestrations of the forest service of the country.

The collection counts 600.000 specimens, belonging to 15.000 studied species, and it is available for research and for specialists.
Every specimen is registered in the database, accessible only on request and reservation.
The museum is also registered on ResearchGate where people can discuss and ask for materials or information.

For opening hours please visit the website>>>
Entrance with a small fee
Free entry for kids up to 6 years old
For more information
please call +39 075.855.2119 or +39 349 582 3613
or send an email>>>

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credits photo: Valentimka