Micci (Donkey) Palio – Querceta di Seravezza

4 May 2025. Donkey race among the 8 districts and costume parade.
Micci Palio - Tuscany - Italy

On Sunday, May 4th, 2025 – as usual on the first Sunday of May – the city of Querceta di Seravezza, in the province of Lucca, dresses up for the Micci Palio, a donkey race that this year reaches its 68th edition.

The Micci Palio takes place among the 8 districts of the city (Lucertola, Ponte, Quercia, Pozzo, Leon d’Oro, Ranocchio, Madonnina, Cervia) on the back of the ‘micci’ (donkeys) to conquer the coveted banner.
The choice to use these stubborn and unpredictable animals proves that the spirit of the Versilia people has always been goliardic and “anarchic”.

Before the real donkey race, over 2,000 dwellers take to the squares to take part in the parade wearing historical costumes. Songs and music accompany the colorful event with figures, musicians and flag-wavers parading until the field where the race takes place.

After this colorful and festive “introduction”, the donkey race, which every year attracts Italian and foreign visitors, can start.

For information: see the website>>> or the facebook page>>> – send a mail>>>
or call the Tourist Office of Querceta di Serrravezza at +39.0584.737.325


See on ItalybyEvents a selection of further events and places to visit in Tuscany>>>
And why not taste the traditional food of Tuscany>>> and its excellent wines>>>

(photos from the tourist office)