MITO September Music Festival – Milan

6-22 September 2024, the music festival organized in Milan and Turin.
MITO Settembre in Musica - Milan

From September 6th to 22nd 2024, the 18th edition of “MITO Settembre in Musica“, the music festival organized and hosted simultaneously in the cities of Milan and Turin.

The program includes many concerts at affordable prices, as well as free admission to a number of performances, in order to attract as many people as possible.
Performances will take place in many different locations, from concert halls, to theatres, churches and unconventional places of the two cities.

See the program in Milan>>>
Tickets can be purchased online>>>
See also the facebook page of MITO>>>
As the festival is taking place also in Turin, see the program of MITO- September Music Festival in Turin  >>>

(credits photo: MITO past editions)

See a selection of further events or places to visit in Lombardy>>>