MiVeg Vegan Festival – Milano

October 26-27, 2024. The festival for animal lovers and healthy food enthusiasts.
MiVeg Milano - Lombardia

On October 26th and 27th 2024, it takes place in Milano MiVeg, the vegan festival with food, drinks, workshops and seminars on Veganism.

MiVeg is organized to promote the idea that no living being is worth more than another, and that we all have the right to be free and live a satisfactory life.

The food is rigorously vegan, healthy, tasty, and eco-friendly. Gluten-free and raw food options are also available, showing that vegan food doesn’t have to be about sacrifice and substitutions.
The bar area offers craft beer, drinks, sandwiches, and desserts, all 100% vegan!

Dozens of associations fighting for animal rights, as well as companies that have decided to produce vegan and cruelty-free items only will show their activities.

In the family area, dedicated to families with children, experts will be available to answer questions on plant-based nutrition, weaning, school cafeterias, and much more.

For kids, a play area with ecological games will be open until dinner time.

MiVeg combines good, eco-friendly and cruelty-free food with lectures, movies, workshops and seminars on healthy cooking and eating, music, and animal rights activism. A mix of “body” and “mind”, fun and depth, theory and practice, the festival engages people of all ages, including children, and it’s for both newcomers and expert participants.

Free entry
To be updated see the website>>> or the facebook page>>>

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credits photo: Bernadette Wurzinger