Torcello Museum – Venice Lagoon

In Torcello island, archaeological finds and objects of Greek and Roman culture
Torcello Museum - Veneto - Italy

Torcello Museum was founded in 1870 by Luigi Torelli, ex Prefect of Venice, to save the artistic heritage of Torcello from dispersion and to collect the finds discovered in the islands nearby and in the mainland. The Museum tells the history of an island that already from I century AD. was surely a docking and trade point between the sea and inland, a sort of the first seaport for the Roman city of Altino connected to the principal old directions for the connections with the Northern and Eastern Europe: via Annia and via Claudia Augusta.

Torcello Museum is divided into two expositive sections: Archaeological, and Medieval and Modern. An itinerary that, starting from the finds that certify the intensity of trade which involved the lagoon and its inhabitants already in the Mycenean period (II Millenium before.C.), includes Venetian, pre-Roman, Roman and Medieval proof and it comes across the glorious period of the Serenissima until 19th century.

The Archive Building and the archaeological section
The Archive Building has conserved for centuries the island’s archive which only in 1818 (the year of the Diocese suppression in Torcello) was transferred to the National Archive of Venice.

Nowadays the building hosts the archaeological section. The exposition is composed of the finds found in Torcello, lagoon, and mainland near Altino and objects coming from other contexts, which are the outcome of purchases at the antique market and of donations.

The collection covers a wide chronological period traced by a rich overview of objects and works that embrace the Greek, Etruscan, Paleovenetian, and Roman cultures, including the lagoon area in the history of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Council Building and the Medieval and Modern section 
The major council of Torcello used to reunite at the Council Building, originally a gothic style construction of the 14th century, composed of 20-40 members (depending on the historical period) belonging to the nobility of Torcello and registered in the Golden Book.
The Medieval and Modern Section display works and documents of the first centuries of the Christian era until 1800, which allow retracing the history of Torcello island and its urban community, in its relationship with Altino, with the Byzantine and Medieval culture and with Venice city.

Opening hours:
visit the website>>>
Entrance with a fee>>>
It is recommended to wear a safety mask and to keep an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter.

Tel. +39 041 730761 – 041 2501780-4 (office)
Fax 041 5328508,
E-mail: >>> or >>>

How to reach Torcello island
Public transport Actv

Photo source: servizi metropolitani di venezia

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