Brenta cycle path (province of Vicenza)

The path in Veneto of the Valsugana cycle path. 33 km until Bassano del Grappa
Brenta cycle route Vicenza - Veneto - Italy
All year long VENETO Nature-Excursions | Sport

In Veneto the Valsugana cycle path is also known as the Brenta Cycle Route.
The route is 78 km long and winds along the Brenta river between Trentino and Veneto. In Trentino it starts from Lake Caldonazzo and ends in Veneto, in Bassano del Grappa.
If traveling from Trentino to Veneto, the cycle path is almost all downhill.
If traveling from Veneto to Trentino, the difference in height is about 350 meters.

IN VENETO – 34 km

This section of the Vasugana cycle path starts from Tezze Grigno and continues for 34 kilometers, almost all on a paved road.

It is a totally flat path, suitable for families with children. It crosses Primolano, proceeds to Cismon del Grappa and reaches Bassano del Grappa, internationally recognized as the capital of the Alpine troops and where it is also possible to visit a museum dedicated to the most famous Italian distillate: the grappa>>>

AND THEN…. From Bassano del Grappa to Venice
For those who want to have a longer cycle route, the Brenta Cycle Route, even if not yet well connected, after less than 100 km reaches the Venice lagoon.
From Bassano del Grappa goes on to Padua through the villages of Camazzole, Carmignano di Brenta, Grantorto, Piazzola sul Brenta. After traveling another 35 km on the Riviera del Brenta cycle path, cyclers reach Fusina, right at the ancient mouth of the Brenta river, where they cannot but leave their bicycle and take the ferry to Venice, where it is forbidden to travel by bike.

Do you want to start from Lake Caldonazzo to reach Tezze Grigno? Click here>>>

Still feeling like cycling?

Discover a selection of cycle paths and cycle routes in Italy>>>

Photo from the Vicenzae website