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Friuli Venezia Giulia - Ramandolo grape - Italy

Ramandolo – Friuli Venezia Giulia

Ramandolo is a white sweet passito DOCG (*) “meditation” wine.
It is produced in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the area of Nimis including the district of Ramandolo, from which the wine takes its name, and partly in the area of Tarcento, both in the province of Udine.

Ramandolo is made with 100% Yellow Friuli Verduzzo grapes.
The wine structure important and the scent reminds traces of dried apricots, honey and nuts, while in the mouth its sweetness is pleasantly balanced by the freshness of its acidity.

The Ramandolo vineyards are located at an altitude of about 400 meters in a hilly amphitheater sheltered from the winds from the north. The pruning and harvesting is still done strictly by hand also because the slope of the vineyards makes automated screws impossible.

Because of the difficult harvesting, the limited production (no more than 150.000 bottles) and the connoisseurs’ demand, Ramandolo is a quite precious wine, even commercially speaking.

The recommended combinations
Dessert pastry, almond-based dry pastries, apple sweets, Italian colomba and panettone, traditional sweets.
But also with blue and aged cheese combined with a hint of honey, and with foie gras at the beginning of the meal.

See also the Assovini technical sheet >>>
Cover photo from the site of the Association of Ramandolo DOCG producers


(*) DOCG: Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin
DOCG is the highest classification for Italian wines. The superior quality is guaranteed by strict production rules concerning the type of grapes allowed, the yield limits, the ripening of the grapes, the vinification and aging procedures. Each DOCG wine is subjected to official tastings.
All bottles are numbered with a seal on the neck. In Italy, there are more than 70 DOCG wines