Mappa Piemonte

Piemonte – Info

Region Capital of Piedmont is Turin. The other provinces are: Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Cuneo, Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola e Vercelli.
Piedmont is conncted to Italy, Switzerland and France.

How to get to Piedmont:
how to get by car -by car: through the motorways
A4 (Turin – Milan – Venice – Trieste),
A5 (Turin – Aosta – Mont Blanc Tunnel to France),
(Turin – Savona),
A21 (Turin – Piacenza – Brescia),
A26 (Gravellona Toce – Verbania – Vercelli – Voltri),
A32 (Turin – Bardonecchia – Frejus Tunnel to France) and A33 (Asti – Cuneo);


how to get by train– by train: Turin is also connected with high speed lines.
Besides Turin, other railway stations are Vercelli, Verbania and Novara, moving to the North; Asti and Alessandria traveling eastward.
During EXPO 2015 high-speed trains will stop at RHO Fiera Milano station to facilitate Expo tourists;


how to get by plane
– by plane: Torino-Caselle and Cuneo airports.