Puglia-mozzarella di bufala

DOP and IGP products in Puglia

Altamura bread and Buffalo mozzarella, but also many further products to enjoy!

DOP PRODUCTS (Italian Protected Designation of Origin) IN PUGLIA:
Cheese and other animal products:
Pugliese Canestrato
Buffalo Mozzarella
Buffalo Ricotta

Collina di Brindisi
Terra di Bari
Terra d’Otranto
Terre Tarentine

Vegetables, fruit and cereals:
La Bella della Daunia olive
Galatina potato

Bread and baked goods:
Altamura bread

IGP PRODUCTS (Protected Geographical Indication) IN PUGLIA:
Vegetables, fruit and cereals:
Gargano orange
Brindisino artichoke
Margherita white onion
Golfo di Taranto clementine
Femminello del Gargano lemon
Puglia grape

thanks to Maxsanna for the picture