Cavalcata Sarda Sardinia Italy

Sardinia – Events

Sardinia is a very old land celebrating every year many traditional festivals.

Some of them, very famous, are related to the Carnival.
Mamuthones are, together with Issohadores, tragic masks typical of the Mamoiada Carnival, one of the oldest traditional events of Sardinia.
Carnival in Bosa is much more playful, with men dressed up as women.
Oristano Sartiglia is a medieval horse carousel (Spanish origin) held during Carnival and Cambas de Linna is the traditional Carnival of Guspini, a small village in Southern Sardinia.

Another famous horse event is the Sardinian Cavalcade taking place in Sassari since 1711. This secular feast begun as a tribute to King Philip V of Spain.
The Descent of the Candlesticks in Sassari, held in honor of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, has been celebrated for more than seven hundred years and since 2013 it has been included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Corsa degli Scalzi (the barefoot race) in Cabras dates back to 1619 and takes place every first Sunday of September.
The Feast of Saint Antioco on the island of Sant’Antioco, is one of the oldest religious feasti in Sardinia.
Not to be missed the “vela latina” sailing boats regattas in San Pietro, Alghero, and the most famous one in Stintino.

In Sardinia there are many famous festivals such as Time in Jazz created by jazz musician Paolo Fresu in Berchidda in August, Isole che parlano (Talking Islands) Festival in Palau in September, the ScienceFestival in Cagliari in November.

Sardinia is also home to the Garibaldi Museums, two museums dedicated to the great protagonist of the Italian Risorgimento Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Welcome to the region of Costa Smeralda, La Maddalena archipelago, the Mines of Sulcis, the Spanish Alghero where you can find genuine and traditional dishes as “porceddu” (piglet), myrtle liqueur, and much more …


All year long
Nuragica - Sardinia - Italy

Nuragica – Cagliari

Interactive exhibit dedicated to the ancient Sardinian civilization.

15 Apr 2025 - 20 Apr 2025
Settmana Santa a Iglesias, Sardegna

The Holy Week in Iglesias

April 15th to 20th, 2025. One of the most famous Holy Week Easter rituals in Sardinia.

3 May 2025 - 5 May 2025
30 May 2025 - 2 Jun 2025
Girotonno - Carloforte Sardinia Italy

Girotonno – Carloforte

May 30th to June 2nd, 2025 Food and wine festival dedicated to the red tuna

All year long
Tanning Museum - Bosa - Sardinia

Tanning Museum – Bosa

Until the mid-1900s Bosa was the capital of the tanning industry in Italy

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Giovanni Marongiu Museum in Cabras

Archaeological finds and the Giants of Mont'e Prama to discover ancient Sardinia

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Museum for the Art of Copper and Textiles Maratè - Sardinia - Italy
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Byssus Museum - Sardinia - Italy

Byssus Museum – Sant’Antioco

Works made with "sea silk" to discover the culture and history of byssus

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Costume Museum - Sardinia - Italy

Sardinia Costume Museum – Nuoro

The most important Ethnographic Museum of Sardinia. Costumes, objects, traditions...

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Sardegna Nuraghe Majori

The House of Bats – Tempio Pausania

Inside the Nuraghe Majori live the tiniest bats in the world

All year long
Is Gruttas Hypogeum Village - Sardinia - Italy
All year long
Casa Deriu - Sardinia - Italy

Casa Deriu – Bosa

A house-museum in the historic center of Bosa, 50 km south of Alghero.