Veneto – Info

The regional capital is the famous Venice, while the other provinces are: Belluno, Padua, Rovigo, Treviso, Verona and Vicenza.

Due to its geographical location, the Veneto is easily accessible from all over Italy and Europe:

how to get by carby car:
– A4 (which runs through the Po Valley from Overst to East, starting from Turin, Milan and touches ends in Sistiana in Friuli, which continues to Trieste under the name RA 13)
– A22 (also called “Autobrennero” linking the Po Valley with Austria and Germany)
– A13 (Bologna – Padova)



how to get by trainby train: with the High Speed and Intercity normal.

The main stations are: Verona, Vicenza, Rovigo, Padua, Venice and Treviso center.

The stations on high-speed are Verona and Venice.



how to get by planeby plane: Airports:
– Venice Marco Polo,
– Valerio Catullo of Verona
– San Giuseppe di Treviso;



by boat or ferry
: port of Venice.