From mid-May up to mid- August, the village of Spello, in the province of Perugia, turns into a flowery village with the event Flowered windows, balconies and alleys (“Finestre, balconi e vicoli fioriti”).
Flowered windows, balconies and alleys is a competition, this year at its 20th edition, involving the inhabitants of the villages of Spello, Collepino and San Giovanni, thus offering visitors one more reason to visit this wonderful village in Umbria.
Participants are judged according to several criteria:
– combination of colours in floral arrangement;
– healthy and luxuriant growth of the flowers for the entire period of the competition;
– choice of vases according to the plants and the context (terracotta vases);
– originality of floral decorations using native species of the territory and/or aromatic species;
– enhancement of typical building and architectural structures;
– availability for residents and tourists
For updates see the website>>>
Tel. (+39) 0742 301009
See on ItalybyEvents a selection of furhter events or places to visit in the “green heart of Italy”>>>
(photo source: facebook page of the proloco di Spello)