International Street Food Festival – Cesena

4-5-6 October 2024. Street food dishes from different countries and Italian regions.
International Street Food Festival - Cesena Emilia Romagna Italy

From October 4th to 6th, 2024, the historical centre of Cesena hosts the 16th edition of the International Street Food Festival: three days to enjoy delicious street dishes from around the world.

At the International Street Food Festival food from different countries and Italian regions, dozens of food trucks, grills, stalls and fryers.

In addition
, lot of events to learn how to prepare recipes, tasting workshops and discussions with experts, and a Slow Food market.

Free entry
For the program and the opening hours see the website>>>
and the Facebook page>>>

Besides this Festival, see further food events (Sagre) or food museums in Emilia Romagna. Which ones? Click here>>>

(photo: Facebook page of  the event)