White Truffle National Fair – Acqualagna

October 26-27 and November 1-2-3-9-10, 2024 in honor of the white truffle
National White Truffle Fair - Marche

Every Fall, the town of Acqualagna, in the Province of Pesaro e Urbino (Marche region), turns into the capital of white truffle hosting the National White Truffle Fair. The event is very important because almost 2/3 of the entire national production of truffle (about 600 quintals) come from this small town.

The 59th edition of the fair takes place on
October 26 and 27 and on November 1-2-3-9-10, 2024

The main square of the town hosts the stands of fresh truffle dealers and it is the heart of the festival, while many other places receive over 200,000 visitors every year such as food stands and the truffle restaurant where truffle lovers may taste and buy truffles and further traditional Italian products.

The program includes guided tasting, cooking shows, cooking competitions featuring celebrities, exhibitions, and book launch events.
Acqualagna’s annual National White Truffle Fair is one of the most important fairs in Italy.

See the website>>>
Tourist Office: Tel. +39 0721/796741 or send an email>>>

 (photo Acqualagna fair)

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