International Festival of Contemporary Circus – Colorno

Weekends from August 30th to September 8th, 2024, circus artists from all over the world
International Festival of Contemporary Circus - Emilia Romagna - Italy

In the weekends from August 30th to September 8th 2024, returns in Colorno Go Crazy for Colorno (Tutti Matti per Colorno), the International Festival of Contemporary Circus, Theater and Music, reaching its 17th edition.

The program includes several artistic groups from all over the world performing inside and outside the “circus space” in the courtyard of Marie Louise’s Ducal Palace, (also known as Reggia di Colorno) in an exciting festival that is spread over two weekends and also live music.
Performances will take place also around Colorno

See the calendar and the program>>>
Admissions with a fee and many free activities with “hat passing” admission, which in the street art slang is a free offer.
See the facebook page of the event for the latest updates>>>


See on ItalybyEvents further events and places to visit in Emilia Romagna>>>
And why not taste the traditional food of Emilia Romagna >>>

source photo: event past edition