Fashion Museum – Naples

The story of fashion from the 1500s to now. High fashion, wedding dresses, accessories...
Museo del Tessile e dell’Abbigliamento di Napoli Fondazione Mondragone - Campania

The Fashion Museum (formerly called Textile and Clothing Museum) is part of Mondragone Foundation in Naples, and tells the story of fashion and its transformations from the sixteenth century to today.

Inaugurated in 2003, the Fashion Museum is dedicated to the Duchess Elena Aldobrandini (1589 – 1663) wife of the Prince of Stigliano, Antonio Carafa, Duke of Mondragone who founded Mondragone Foundation in 1655.

On display:
– fabrics, haute couture and prêt-à-porter clothing, cocktail and wedding dresses and accessories such as hats, bags, gloves, fans, parasols and feathers,
– permanent collections of great Neapolitan designers such as Fausto Sarli and Livio De Simone,
– furnishing fabrics from San Leucio factory from 1850 to 1950,
– clothes made between the 1800s and the first half of the 1900s donated by Neapolitan noble families,
– creations by contemporary designers from all over the world,
– precious artifacts in fabric related to religious rites, such as altar frontals and vestments from the 1600s, lace and embroidery from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century.

Workshop – The Fashion Museum, surrounded by a beautiful garden, also hosts seminars held by master craftsmen on techniques typical of the Neapolitan textile tradition.

Opening hours:weekdays from 9am to 5pm, Saturday and Sunday by reservation only
Entrance with a fee>>>
For reservation and booking please check the website or call +39 0814976104 or +39 0814238368 or send an email>>>
It is recommended to wear a safety mask and to keep an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter.

Photos from the Facebook page of the museum

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