Which are the Italian regions where the truffles grow spontaneously? All! None excluded. And in all 20 regions, the truffle food tradition is very important.
Also in Tuscany, of course. Thus it is possible to attend numerous fairs and festivals that make the truffle known to a large public of truffle lovers.
During the truffles’ events, truffles are sold, tasted and talked about.
If anyone wants to experience the wild truffle hunt, here is a short map of the areas where they grow. Good luck!
The White Truffle is present in the areas:
– of the Crete Senesi (Siena),
– from S. Giovanni d’Asso to Pienza and from Monteriggioni to San Casciano Bagni.
– of S.Miniato (provinces of Florence and Pisa);
– part of the Chianti hills and part of the Lower Valdarno,
– Valdelsa,
– Valdera,
– Volterrano.
– in Val Tiberina, in particular in the municipalities of Badia Tedalda and Sestino.
– in Mugello, in particular in the municipalities of Borgo S.Lorenzo, Marradi, Scarperia.
– in Casentino, with the centers of Bibbiena and Poppi.
The Black Truffle is growing
– in the limestone massifs of Chianti,
– in Mugello (Marradi),
– in the Montagnola Senese,
– in the Val di Chiana and in the Casentino.
Bianchetto or Marzuolo can be found
– in the areas of the White Truffle,
– in the pine forests of Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster,
– along the coasts of the provinces of Pisa, Livorno, Grosseto, from Migliarino-S.Rossore to Marina di Grosseto and the Feniglia,
– and in all the hilly areas affected by other truffles and along with the coastal pine forests.
Scorzone, particularly widespread in Tuscany, is common in calcareous soils with artificial oak and pine forests, in the provinces of:
– Arezzo (Casentino, Val Tiberina, Monti della Modina, Cortona),
– Florence (Monte Morello, Monti della Calvana, Mugello, Alta Val d’Elsa),
– Siena (Val d’Elsa Senese, Chianti Mountains),
– Grosseto (Castellazzara, Roccalbegna),
– Pisa (Volterra),
– Lucca
– Pistoia.
– The top White truffles prefer the soils where there are lime, hazel and downy oak
– The top Black truffles prefer those with holm oak, oak, downy oak, hornbeam and hazelnut.
-The Scorzone is located near beech, holm oak and oak.
(source: andareatartufi.com)
Would you like to smell the flavor of truffles in a fair?
There are many from late August to late November. One also in March,
Follow the link to see a calendar of truffle fairs and festivals in Tuscany>>>
Cover photo from the website of San Miniato white truffle market exhibition