The “Holy Staircase” Church – Campli

Climbing the 28 wooden steps of the Sanctuary of Scala Santa, Roman Catholics can obtain the Plenary Indulgence.
Abruzzo - Scala Santa di Campli

The Sanctuary of Scala Santa (Holy Staircase) in Campli, in the Province of Teramo, is a place of worship for Roman Catholics. It was built between 1772 and 1776 and opened in May 1776.

It has been built as a tribute to the famous Scala Santa in Rome that inspired the project.
The structure of the building is really similar to that of the Scala Santa in Rome: from the landing connecting the two staircases, it is possible to see the Sancta Sanctorum with the altar of Cristo Salvator Mundi through a grate. 
The walls of the landing are decorated with two frescos illustrating Pope Clement XIV and Saint Helena Empress, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great.
That’s why the Campli Holy Staircase obtained the possibility to give Plenary Indulgence by an edict issued by Pope Clement XIV in 1772.

Opening Hours: 8 am – 7pm every day
It is recommended to wear a safety mask and to keep an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter.

Campli tourist office: phone +39 0861.5601207 – +39 328 873277
Santuario +39 333.8100562
Email: [email protected]

Plenary indulgence
According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, visitors praying while climbing the 28 wooden steps (leading to the chapel of Sancta Sanctorum) on their knees may obtain the Plenary Indulgence. A Plenary Indulgence is a special indulgence that remits all temporal “punishment” required to cleanse the soul.

The days when it is possibile to obtain thePlenary Indulgence:
– third Sunday of Easter
– Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of Pentecost
– Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday around the 3rd Sunday of September
– last Saturday, Sunday and Monday of October
– all Friday from Friday after Ash Wednesday to the Good Friday (this last given by Pope Giovanni Paolo II)

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