Domenica al Museo

December 1st, 2024: to discover for free the beauties of Italy

On Sunday, December 1st, 2024, museums, archaeological parks, and state cultural sites all over Italy will be open for free admission.thanks to Sunday at the Museum, an initiative by the Ministry of Culture,

“Sunday at the Museum” is an opportunity for Italians and foreign tourists, to learn about the great Italian artistic and cultural heritage.

Reservation is required for some places,

On the Government website>>> all the venues participating in the initiative are listed

Italy is a real treasure chest, with the largest number of Unesco sites included in the list of world heritage sites: in 2024 there are 60 sites and further ones are on the waiting list. Do you want to know them? Click here to know the Unesco sites in Italy>>>

photo source: website of the Ministry of Culture


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