On June Friday 13th and Saturday 14th 2025 the Medieval horse tournament Giostra della Quintana between the 10 districts of Foligno comes back for “La Sfida” (the Challenge)
Two weeks before the Giostra the 10 taverns of the 10 districts stay open and it is possible to taste many traditional recipes of the 17th Century cuisine, prepared with products grown in the Foligno area.
On Friday the city of Foligno becomes a set for a Great Historical Parade in which hundreds of costumed figures participate.
On Saturday the goal of the competition is to ride 3 times around the track of the ancient Foligno stadium (Campo de li Giochi) as quickly as possible and insert the lance into a ring hanging from a statue of Mars (the so-called “quintanone”) without getting any penalties. The ring becomes smaller every time: 6 cm, 5,5 cm and 5 cm.
The first Quintana dates back to 1613.
The modern version of Quintana is dated 1946.
The name “Quintana” comes from the 5th street of ancient Roman military camps where the soldiers were trained in lance fighting.
The Quintana is usually taking place twice a year: the Sfida (“challenge”) in June and the Rivincita (“rematch”) in September>>>
Ente Autonomo Giostra della Quintana
Ticket required>>>
For more info send an e-mail>>>
To be updated about the program see the website>>>
and the facebook page>>>
See on ItalybyEvents a selection of further events and places to visit in Umbria>>>
And enjoy the traditional food of Umbria>>> and its wines>>>