Crossbow Palio – Sansepolcro

In September the competition between the crossbowmen of Sansepolcro and Gubbio
Palio della Balestra - Sansepolcro Tuscany Italy

The second Sunday of September – is traditionally taking place in Sansepolcro the “second round” of Palio della Balestra (Crossbow competition) due to that in May the crossbowmen of Sansepolcro (Tuscany) went to Gubbio (Umbria) to engage in the first competition of the palio.

The Crossbow Palio in Sansepolcro is a traditional Medieval feast, in honor of Sant’Egidio.
The palio is the closing event of a more than one month of celebrations.

The crossbowmen were very important in the past centuries because as they had the task to protect the territory against enemies and invaders. The competition was also a way to keep constantly fit.

The goal is to hit the corniolo or tasso, (the target) with the arrow threw with the crossbow from a distance of 36 meters.

The Palio of the crossbow in Sansepolcro is connected to important dates:
– on September 27th, 1612, Cosimo De’ Medici visited Sansepolcro, and an extraordinary Palio della balestra was celebrated in which the Grand Duke took part by demonstrating his great skills;
– in 1920 Umberto II of Savoia was nominated Honorary President of the Crossbowmen Society of Sansepolcro;
– on September 1st, 2012 an extraordinary Palio was held for the millennium of the city and the cathedral of Sansepolcro.

Sansepolcro tourist office
Tel. +39 0575/740536
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Do you want to know something more about the Gubbio Palio in May? Follow the link>>>

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